Contacting the Tim Project
email: tim@pgsc.freeservers.com
We'll try to reply personally to any inquiries sent our way, of course. For more complete support/contact info, go here
Feature List
- Written for the GNOME desktop environment
- Will support HTML, XML, other cool stuff, through plugins, not compiled in.
- To be written in Python
- Three words: GPL
- yadda yadda yadda
this is just a desired feature list. We have only just started writing this, so development will no doubt take some time. Nothing is available yet, so be patient.
Release History
Of course, since we haven't released anything yet this is a projected release history, but should give you a good sense of what's going on.
v0.1: early November. This will be a simple proof-of-concept, and may not make it into the public domain out of embarrassment. (hrm, maybe I shouldn't be allowed to type for that same reason) It will use Tkinter for the widget set, but this is just for simplicity, and so we can start development in MS-Windows (which is all I have right now. I lost my RedHat6 CD, if someone wants to send me a new one =)(Update:Muchos thanks to Fred Drake of CNRI for the RedHat CD's...).
v0.5ish: Later. This one will take what we had, and switch to GTK+/Gnome. The plug-in structure will begin to take shape, as will the XML/DTD parsers.
v1.0: Much later. see feature list above.
these are only wild estimates made by one member of the team, though, so things may move slower (or faster!) than expected.